Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Bharat Treatment’s official website page. We are glad to be of your help in health-related issues. We maintain this website to communicate, for educational purposes and for personal information. By using this website, you subject yourself to some terms of use. Before using or accessing the website read the terms and conditions of the usage given below so that you know and then agree to them. If you do not agree to any of our terms, please exit the website.

Bharat Treatment is not any medical practitioner or medical consultant. Bharat Treatment is only here to bridge the gap between you and medical practitioners or health providers.

By agreeing to the terms of use you agree on the fact that you are at least 18 years old and have the legal right to use and be bound by these terms dictated here.

Bharat Treatment has the freedom to change the terms of use whenever they see fit. All the modifications would be effective from the time of updating the on the website. You agree to the revised terms and conditions after they are modified.


Nothing posted here should be taken as final medical advice to treat anyone. Remember that we are just bridging the gap between you and healthcare providers. In case of emergency, you are not to rely on these as the primary source of information.

Information on this website is meant to supplement other information sources; it should not be used in place of your own personal responsibility and due diligence.

The website’s information does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or treatments for those conditions. If you have any questions about healthcare, contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider immediately or call local emergency services in case of any emergency. In case of any health-related queries, always contact your physician or any qualified healthcare providers.

Bharat Treatment makes every effort to provide right information and ensures the integrity of the website. However, it offers no promises on the authenticity of the website content. In case you come across any such inaccurate information, please contact us so that we can fix such misinformation.

In no way You are to download, copy or reproduce the content of this website for any commercial purposes. Without our written consent you cannot take anything for personal use.


Bharat Treatment does not or cannot warrant against any human or machine error. It cannot be held against Bharat Treatment in case of any delays, interruptions or losses, including data. It also does not guarantee that it is free of any viruses, worms or other malicious codes. It cannot be held responsible for any mis delivery, deletion or failure to deliver or store data of the users.

By agreeing to the terms of use you agree to respect and abide by our Privacy policy.

Further, neither Bharat Treatment, its affiliates, nor any of their respective officers, directors, employees, or agents is or will be liable or responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exonerating, punitive, or other damages of any kind arising from or connected with the website and/or any content on the website, whether such damages are based in tort, contract, error (human or machine), negligence, strict liability, or otherwise, even if such damages are caused by negligence. If you are in any way dissatisfied by this site, you are suggested to leave this immediately.

You and Bharat Treatment have agreed to these website terms of use in writing.

Bharat Treatment shall be entitled to recover all expenses and attorneys’ fees in connection with any action to enforce these Website Terms of Use.

You must file any claims or causes of action you may have against the Website within a year of when they occur, or they will be forever barred.