
  1. We, Bharat Treatment, are here to help you with everything regarding medical travel. We are Healthcare Facilitators, not providers. We facilitate you, someone who lives outside India, to avail high-standard treatments PAN INDIA. We also offer assistance on other matters like medicines, follow-up treatments, accommodations and even sightseeing! We just don’t want you to take extra stress and anxiety as you are in a new, unfamiliar place.
  2. Treatments depend solely on the patient’s condition and with it, the rate.

    The quotation of the charge that is sent to you either by us, or the hospitals, is an estimate of the actual cost. It might vary as per the treatments and the number of days. So we, Bharat Treatment, are in no way responsible for the extra money you might have to pay. We just make sure that you get overall logistics and the treatments.

  3. In the case of Organ Donation, you must remember that we do not provide any organ donor to you.

    Organ donors are usually from the patient’s family and can only donate if the screening committee of the hospital approves. Moreover, the family of the patient must always carry all the related documents with them. The requisites can also be found at the hospital desks.

  4. This disclaimer applies to the damages or injury caused by a breach of performance, error, omission, interruption, malfunction, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction. This also includes modification or use of documents, unauthorized access, whether for breach of contract, negligence, misconduct, or any other cause of action. We cannot guarantee the correction of defects. Bharat Treatment makes no representations concerning the use or results of materials used on this site in terms of reliability, accuracy or otherwise. You will bear the full cost of any maintenance, or correction required. The applicable law may not permit the exclusion of implied warranties, so the aforementioned exclusion may not apply to you. The user agrees that we are not responsible for the defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of other users, third parties and the risk of harm to the foregoing are solely the responsibility of the user.
  5. Bharat Treatment does not claim itself to be error free and no one, including any agents, employees or third party providers, gives the warranty on that matter. The client agrees to avail our services at their own risk. Neither the medical service, nor the merchandise or any information related to them which might have been provided through us, have any warranty in terms of accuracy, meaning we are not to be blamed for anything as we just work like a bridge.